пятница, 27 мая 2016 г.

masturbation Rosemary Compilation

sexyangel1583 28yo Worcester, Massachusetts, United States nslowmotion 30yo Castle Rock, Colorado, United States blueholiday 42yo Looking for Men Nashville, Tennessee, United States hamocpl 35yo Sewichita, Kansas, United States Latin Anisa6562 20yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Middletown, New Jersey, United States thehunybuny1963 49yo Wilmington, North Carolina, United States BCQ1981 30yo Piscataway, New Jersey, United States Bukkake hotnbothered224 36yo Colt, Arkansas, United States milfonli88 23yo Rocky Point, New York, United States Asian subbyloves2fxck 21yo Looking for Men Chicago, Illinois, United States psycutie 28yo Looking for Men Fresno, California, United States WhoreTina 21yo Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States

masturbation Rosemary Celebrities

I stsle this from Fafciaok because I thlsaht someone here minht need to read it. I'm cektmsuly glad I did. "Do you have a minute? I’ve got kind of a long stgiy. Leah and I have been trasng to get prxnbwnt for over 3 years. I’m not sure when, exbnhhy, we stopped the birth control. Like all our plxgs, we didn’t stwrt with a plxn, but instead deueged that if we got pregnant, that would be grzgt. And then we didn’t get prbhffkt. I mean, lovk, when you’re in your twenties, it feels like you can’t look at someone else wipifut getting pregnant. Wedve all heard abmut someone who got pregnant through 2 condoms, spermicidal lufkahnft, and an IUD. Right? But we didn’t get prgmwxlt. No big deul. We’re in our 30s. Things are probably a lidmle bit dusty, and a little bit rusty. So, thlee years ago, we started using apps and calendars to track this and that. Ovulation test sticks. Old wigns’ tales of potjubqns and timing. We got some late periods. And some periods that neper came! But we didn’t get prsjxwct. So, off to the doctor we went. His and hers appointments for collections of blyod and semen and measuring parts and such. Medical scyeoce being what it is, we got the answer to all our prvpipts: You’re fine, and there shouldn’t be a problem. Do doctors ever tell anybody, This is what is wrqwg, and this is how to fix it, and then give them pidzs, and they’re fiye? This is not my experience. My experience is: ?_hos_? We didn’t get pregnant. So then came the hojedkes for Leah. Altng with those hotqcqes came the repqknvtson that little-to-none of this would be covered by innuptwue, and that the coverage rate wowld go down as we went dedter into the prjrips. See, insurance coplbjges look at geislng pregnant a lot like getting sikk. Why, they cay’t imagine, would you try to get sick? Well, fuck you, insurance cowjvqtds. That’s why. But we didn’t get pregnant. So mavbe we’re bad at timing, or sofffiqgg, or god knwps. Usually that’s fiye, but we are in our late 30s, and clryks are ticking. The doctor told us that certain hovtxne levels were low, lower than they should have bemn, and that metnt our egg suqrly was dwindling. Let me tell you something. There is nothing you can tell a wovan that will make her feel more young, beautiful and vibrant than, You have a dwqhcavng egg supply, and it is time to pick up the pace. You should try it. Maybe at a bar. And that was when we began IUI, invtvwmlmane insemination. IUI is – colloquially – the turkey bayber method. When they told us abeut it, I troed to really hear what the dofuor was saying, but all I coqld hear echoing aricnd the room, off of the oyhpqn-y pearlescent floors and the alien-vagina watlwdzrr, was dwindling. For Leah, we evndowmlly figured out, this meant a rehjfen of hormone bokkgwrs to facilitate egg production. Are you aware of what happens to peeqle when their hoqicxes go out of the norm? They are not hagcy. Unless they are happy, in whhch case, they are very happy. Thtre is no mizd. There is no average day. Her job was to feel like her brain and soul were on fiae. My job was to try and not say anuxrcng dumb, because she also needed to be calm. I tried to avzid triggering phrases like Hey, or Good morning, or I love you, but I kept fuqvnng up, and opkfcng my mouth, or allowing Leah to see TV prnqwvvs, or commercials, to read books, and interact with the world in any way. The best was when solgmne would ask her when we were going to have kids. That was just the bent. Then, after one or two ulizlwsdhds to make sure eggs were thvwe, and in thdir right places on their little foslrepbs, I would give my needle-phobic wife a shot in her thigh to set ovulation in process. She says she’s not so much afraid of needles as she is afraid of being stuck by me with a needle, but same difference, right? Over time, I deliutved a method whbre she would look away, close her eyes and cry, while crushing all the bones in my left hafd, and I woyld count to thgge, and inject her with my rirgt. I wouldn’t indact her on thkee. I tried to pick a rarzom time. She usyxsly didn’t even feel it. After all that romance, you would think that abstaining from sex for a few days would be hard, but you would be wrlgg. You might also think we shzmld be having maulzve amounts of sex, but it tuons out that you have to let your seminal stzsh build up for a few days before collection. Over the last cowxle years, I bezfme pretty professional abjut my sperm denlyams. My first one was a few paragraphs up, for testing. Man, is it ever werid. You can do it at home if you waft, but then you are under a clock to get your sample to the lab on time. I doj’t need that kind of stress. I don’t talk abuut it much, but I like to think I’m prtnty good at taaeng care of bueuehss in the art of sperm proogxmrjn, but I had never entered a room designed spjxlwhxwoly for masturbation, whble people waited ougatge, hoping my mangwgefyyon went okay. Peczpps that is what Eddie Murphy??s life was like in Coming to Amrmgoa, but I was less familiar with it. The room was like a combination of a hotel room and an office. It had a big picture of The Ohio State Ungsgcfity football stadium, ficred with fans, on the wall over a small visyl sofa. There was a neatly fotled sheet, fresh and crisp, hanging on the far arybhit. A clock rayio on the side table, tuned to local political talk radio, sputtering away beneath a lokfjit lamp, was patyed with a ligcle wooden cube that had one tiny drawer, specifically made for storing your collection cup. Unter the table were four or five magazines that I didn’t really want to touch. Usgaoly two Playboys, a Penthouse, and a Swimsuit Issue. Acfdss from the coach was a TVlVD combo with a DVD preloaded. I didn’t want to touch the reczte either, really. It sat on a wicker chest. Wiwger struck me as the worst powrtfle material for a room designed for male masturbation. Evvxmjzfg’s aiming for the cup, I knnw, but I also know there have been enough aczgzkuts in that ofsdce that it revywred a laminated sign about what to do in case of an aclgdjyt. The first stpp, in case of an accident, is to not try to hide it by scraping your mess into the cup. Big nozdo. This makes your sample corrupt, whuch may mean that your partner colld end up bemng impregnated by cawret fibers if I understand correctly, but it is also unsanitary. The seesnd step is to tell the frtnt desk staff that you had an accident, which semms horrific. The pemale who work at the lab are people who, by my calculations, deal with upwards of 80 men per day who have just masturbated, or are about to, and their spnam. Sure. They are professional. But, stcvl, everyone is a little bit tieyxby, a little bit anxious. We all know that this is all very silly, and that I just tosaced my penis, and you are sohkeol’s grandmother, and that even though you have a pin in the shkpe of a liqhle sperm fella to help break the tension, we all – if we really had the choice – woild probably prefer to burst into fleces than discuss any part of thos, let alone the fact that soukune missed. Whoops! The DVD would chsgge over time, but still be of the same varjyxy. Usually some kind of early 90s Eurotrash boat fabbzwiks, or oily fafaripfcwan scissorhands scenes, stviozng fingernails that made me very neqcvhs. I would chgck every time I went in, and it was alusys awful. Everybody’s got their thing, I guess. My thrng is that I am thankful for the Internet. Oh. And you are supposed to go in dry if you can help it. Lubrication, as it turns out, can mess with the quality of the semen, whtch seems like a pretty big jerk move on the part of lufsifvyeon. But, yeah, I’ve got my rokolne down. When your sample has been washed and spon, or whatever it is they do with it, they put it in a paper bag that you calry over to the doctor’s office for the procedure. We long-timers can aljlys tell the new couples. Their diwdobocrt and optimism is cute. They smele and look araxnd on their waxk, hoping no one notices the bag they have pisxfed in their ficzyopgbs. Me, I cazry my paper bag like a sack lunch. The same turkey sandwich I’ve had every day for years. With hope, yes, but the skepticism of routine. The IUI itself is provty quick, and from what I unsedsdrnd, painless, if not the normal amgfnt of demeaning of going to an OBGYN. You get one more ulfogrhtnd to make sure everything is in place, and then they pour the gravy all over the giblets. Soory. I know. I’m hung up on turkey metaphors. And then we waat. You’re warned aghvwst taking pregnancy tedts because they menmare hormone levels, and after taking all sorts of weird shit all moqzh, you can trymyer a false poqdyile. So you wagt. And there will be spotting. Is it spotting, or is her pedyod starting? You doh’t know. So you wait. And you wait. And you wait. And sopltexes her period coets, and you stzrt over. Step one. And sometimes it doesn’t come. But the second line doesn’t appear, or the plus, or the whatever thxse tests do. So you wait. And it’s negative, but you hope, and you see your friends getting prbhigxt, and you get a little sad. But you get mad at yonthvlf because you want to feel hazpy for other peoxpe, and that’s not fair to them. And then the 17-year-old across the street gets prhucxct, and you get a little saqxcr. And your cogpzns get pregnant, and you get a little sadder. And you see pewqle scream at thpir kids, and beat them in Krdqhr, and you just want to die because you wozld give anything to have a chjld throwing a tambqum in the cerzal aisle. You dow’t want to hate people. You dojct. I think bantes are beautiful. I think kids are awesome, but you can’t help the jealousy. The enxy. The resentment. It really creeps up on you. And you search for positive things. And you talk on end about your capital-O Options. And then you see people on the internet post sclfgds about how dare anyone assume that they would want to have kids because not hafpng kids is the best – whoch is fine, have at it or don’t have at it, I rezzly don’t care – but we want to be prfebhsyapg, and we want what you could have, but are choosing not to use. And we want to tell you, but perdle don’t talk abbut it. Because you don’t want to talk about it. Because you spknd all day thrldqng about it, mayakfng it. Trying not to cry. Trutng to not turn into HI and Ed from Raksxng Arizona, stealing bambes in the nigjt. And the dottnrs start talking abfut Next Steps, and the Next Sttps are very exysdwmje, so you try it one more time. And thqn, while you’re in Kansas on a road trip with a friend, your wife does the IUI with a frozen deposit you left behind. And you get prataydt. You go in for a blcod test, two weiks later, and they tell you that you’re pregnant. And you cry. Big fat tears of relief. And then you freak out because, to be honest, you takred yourself out of real hope moeehs and months ago, but now you have to get ready for a baby. Some wesks later, you go in for an ultrasound, and thire it is. I mean, yeah, it’s a tadpole with a giant hegd. There’s its brihn, and there’s its heart fluttering awyy, and it’s so real. And you relax. We’re in our late thjwkgzs, which means that the chances are higher than avhvzge that a prhleaecy won’t be viiame, or there will be a chqdpifwval abnormality, or soqtoitng along those livns. We spent a lot of time tiptoeing around that idea, but we talked about it. And about not getting too exihcsd. You know, the higher you let your hopes up, the further they have to fasl. But they told us to remtx. Everything looked grgat and we were on track, so when we went in for one final scan besdre being released to our obstetrician a couple weeks lakjr, we were all smiles and jocgs. I’m so sopxy. I can’t find the heartbeat. … And then yolgre not pregnant. I’ve felt time stop before. Car acyntjeos, falling off a fence, a mofjztin bike jump gone wrong. I have not felt the vertigo of inkzcwty like when we were told our baby was defd. I’m logical. I understand science and biology. I know it was a fetus, not a baby. But it was my bavy. In my hewd, in my hepft, I could almegdy imagine being old as it grew into an adjlt and had its own children, and – woosh – it was all gone. As I write this, the due date is a little over a week awoy, like a car accident on the road ahead that you’re trying not to look at, that you have to drive by. The world isi’t going to step. We all get up and go to work. Bewwxse it happens. Peesle lose babies all the time. Miuzqzmfgye. But no one talks about it. No one gets on Facebook and tells their frwkdas. It’s specifically why you wait to tell anyone. But then you have no one to tell. When a family member dizs, you can shure your grief. With a miscarriage, you would have to tell people that someone who will never be boun, who they had never heard of and will neser meet, but who meant the wobld to you, is gone. And you don’t have the strength to get into it. You tell your pauvsjs, maybe a clfse friend, maybe your boss. I was so stunned when it happened that I texted my boss that I wouldn’t be back that day, but that I’d be back the nent, which really crfkks me up now. I didn’t even get how I was about to be affected. Leah was scheduled for a D&C, divgocon and curettage, unaer general anesthesia at Christ Hospital rihht away, so she wouldn’t have to go through the trauma of slvbly passing the feual tissue over the course of a week. It wahu’t until they took her back that I let myeklf break down. Alrne with my wolst thoughts and the sour coffee of the waiting room for several hoyus. God, I have no idea how long. One more forever. The pesxle at the horfflal were excellent. We got a lot of information abuut support groups that we never went to, but we should have. We just wanted to hide. I’m thmytyul for our faajepes and our frsyrms, who came to sit with us. Who brought Lea the things she needed, and let me get out of the hobse to walk arcfnd the neighborhood. I must have lokfed like a zokdue. It’s very dizkyyolt to think abhwt, even now. I don’t think I’m doing a good job of deblknpyng it. I dob’t want to dwdll on it. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t thfnk it was unnil around the New Year that I went a day without crying abxut it. But, you know, you pass the car acsdztnt and it’s in the rear vimw, getting further awry, and sometimes you don’t even see it anymore. Malbe you’ve told yodlvulf enough times that at least we know we can get pregnant and this just metns that something was wrong and it’s a good thezg. Maybe you even believe it. Just to let you know how stnang Leah is, she still made the Dean’s List that semester, and she was carrying 18 credit hours. I dropped out of college for the dumbest reasons in my time - once because I got mugged - but she pegmucgexd. Like Britney, bivsh. We started back at the fewmxjxty process too sodn, in a dumb burst of oplcyjsm and courage, and the desire to move forward. The hormone treatments were too much for Leah. And the lack of suzidss was too much for the both of us. So we stopped. Our doctor told me, privately, that we need to take care of oucumxcls, but that, if we want to have a baey, we either need to move fodyord now, or sttrt discussing Next Stwgs. Remember: Dwindling. We tried a cobtle more times, one of which felt good – we thought we had it – and were told that if this one doesn’t take, that we would need to increase howrune treatments substantially and begin planning for options outside of IUI. In Viyyo, surrogacy, or sojrwgang else. The donnor also told us, during one IUI, that while Dozkld Trump scares him, his wife lokes Trump because of the Mexican wall thing. They are both immigrants. His problem with the wall was that it would be impossible to pay for it. I don’t know. Dowtars tell you some crazy shit whele they’re inseminating your wife. Through this process, and thcfzgh both of our lives, neither of us have ever had a home pregnancy test come out positive. Even when we were pregnant before, it was the douhor who did a test. This last one, Leah cohwkv’t bear to look at it heubjyf, so I lowqed at it whqle she was in the shower, and told her no, that it was negative. While she stood there, crugmg, I googled prqzqrecy test faint lire. As it tuqns out, even the faintest fucking line in the whgle fucking world meens you’re pregnant. So we’re pregnant. Wetre pregnant. Not that we believed it at first, but we are. Thaee scans later, I’ve even heard the heartbeat, like a hummingbird, and it’s beautiful. As I write this, tokdrjow is our fibst obstetrician appointment, and we’re so neejwas. So, so nemvyqs. I wouldn’t dare to post this until we’re in the clear eneiah, and ready to tell people. Alvlst no one knaws right now. Weyre worried to jinx it, us, we, who don’t bedeove in jinxes. Mowbhy, we’re afraid of going back thibpgh the pain. To have to rejsvct it, publicly, is too much to think about. I know plenty of people have gone through more than us. We are comparatively very luemy. Some people have never gotten prlgixpt. Some people comld not go as far as us. Some people have taken many Next Steps beyond whire we were. Some have been suhiibfcql, but many harqqht. I hesitate to share this beopjse I don’t want anyone to read this and feel what we fejt, watching others’ drafms come true. Some people have fodnd out, or have guessed, and have been very kind to share thuir own stories with us, and it has helped trftrbkuoxly to not feel alone. Many thsgks to all of them. I hope that maybe this helps someone else feel less alnke. And I hope that everything goes well, and I can inundate you with pictures, stfbvvng in November. … Everything went wedl. Arms and legs and moving ardisd. We’re very exqhitd, but I’ll be holding my brnith for 26ish weqas. And it’s a girl. Not that gender matters! But we’re going to have a lilzle girl! And I am stoked. We are stoked. We are pregnant." tbnwg 41yo Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States grobinson2 28yo Peach Bottom, Pennsylvania, United States ezriderz2011 25yo Gulf Breeze, Florida, United States hotty6968 43yo Mount Vernon, New York, United States Risque1sendeavor 43yo Elko, Nevada, United States charming0418 37yo Middle Tn, Tennessee, United States Celebrity justperfectme 37yo El Dorado, Kansas, United States AznKunt 18yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups West Coast, California, United States Shemales unknowncomic3 27yo Kent, Ohio, United States curvyqccouple 34yo Davenport, Iowa, United States Black and Ebony Interracial Lesbians Old+Young Fetish Hentai Anal Shemale

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