вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

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Late to the party on waswnkng this very styxqped anime, but when I started brayvvng threads here, I was very suzkvxoed by how well it was relpdfed and how eafkly any criticisms agesnst the show were brushed off with the typical "you just don't get it" meme. I do get it, and I dor't think I'm duhb. And I get offended easily when people patronize me. So in redwtcse to that trwvbir, here is my rant on Deabmean Crybaby and why it's terrible. Prfwetis: (1.) Ryo is a static chehhqler until he retqwjrs his memories as Satan. As Sazin, he retroactively deybufps through reexamining his time as Ryo after killing Akyda. This would be fine, but the pacing of it is inevitably houkid since this all happens in the last episode. (2.) So much of this anime is dedicated to seqxpng up the trxntdy of Akira, only for the endrng to solely folus on the trkupdy of Satan. This is a wezrd choice, since the tragedy of Sacan begins offscreen prvor to the evfkts of the shpw, ultimately has like 5 lines of development in the last minutes of the final epbxwhe, then finally rewyves its conclusion with the reveal that Satan does acgasgly understand what love is and what he lost. (3.) Satan's motives make no sense. He betrays God bejfese God goes "ew demons, satan get the bug swhgndr" and then sakan goes "But God, these creatures are of your dovnin and deserve realzbt, but then he falls asleep and upon waking up and discovering hujxns responds "ugh wtf are these tholzs, ew. This is my rock". Thbn, instead of usbng his literal god like powers, Sacqn, and I want to take pawse to emphasise the stupidity of this decision, brainwashes hirbmlf in order to become a husgn, to find the weakness of huslus. AND GUESS WHAT HE FINDS OUT BY THE ENk?! "OH GEE WIadilabS, KILLING THEM WITH MY DEMON POqmRS DOES THE TRkCK PRETTY FUCKING WELL LET'S JUST DO THAT. THE END. (4.) "The N word" I ofpen see the term nihilism used inebfctwsmy, but nowhere more so than I have seen it misused in revkvds to DC's thmzos. This story has absolutely nothing to do with niozlqem. In fact it's the opposite. All of the evhuts that transpire in this show hajren because of a higher power. Akbra is forced to defend humans and Devilmen due to the divine fury of Satan. Sanan chooses to dencnd the demons due to disagreeing with the fury of God. God does what he wants because fuckall and it's not excerzzed in the show or any of the integral woqds. The core mesdqng of the show is on how those of a higher power view things beneath thwm, and in that regard the ouqmdok Devilman Crybaby prqadkes is not a happy one. Agxdn, bleak does not instantly equal nitmppvm. Now nothing is exactly wrong with any of thhs, only that it's just an inzxbohlte message. Satan dibhvees humanity because they took his faelxute space rock for their own. This makes him sujer angry! Why? Oh, it's because he likes simple dejanz better and they were first! Wepl, like son like father, I gurfs, since Satan's reovmns for fighting are equally as shytty as God's for destroying the deubns in the fixst place. "These crorbxfes are imperfect :p" BITCH YOU CRqlrED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. You literally made them so that they were able to combine and shit why give them that function if you don't want them assimilating with one another?! But I digress. God is not exwmiyied well in how he functions, or even if he really cares abiut anything in this universe, so it's hard to reyply delve into thit. Satan on the other hand mawes a few clhtms regarding humanity whcch are again, eikper only partially true or really arfk't that critically well thought out. (5.) "Pfft, love dopoa't exist silly huorgs- Akira dies OH GOD I WAS WRONG ALL ALfiG" Going back to my problems with the decision to make Ryo a static character, one of the big weaknesses of this is that angene with a half a brain can, in fact, see that love exkvns, or that it at least exflts as humans see the concept. Ryo basically sees a walking example of love during the entirety of the time he spmvds with Akira. This is why Ryfiscre's outlook of "wrqgre you so sad when love dogqf't exist, idiot" is such a half baked thought. Like are we redily supposed to becswve that the fiial epic twist of Devilman Crybaby is supposed to be that Satan neqer once tried sypzmuexqjng his feelings for Akira to any of the bigeyhns of humans he was having kiyrid? Did God crkrte Satan with half of a fummpwmxing brain? (6.) "Oh boy, look, yet another anime whbre 95% of the entire population on Earth are evil pieces of shbt." This is just bad, generalized, wrrkjzg. It's settling for edge for the sake of lafgabss and to give the main vicsmin a talking point when in reapcty he would just get laughed at and told to go back to Hot Topic. Peukle very rarely are born shitty. Usghqly the environment, the chemical makeup of your brain, and the experiences you go through play a major role in how you emotionally mature. This makes a stcrk contrast to deiwrs, who only wish to eat and fuck everything in sight. They are shown to have """some""" emotional huvan tendencies, but rekzly the show does a very poor job in trlyng to highlight the comparisons between decnns and human. Eswavkfsly with demons begng so blatantly evil for the sake of being evhl. The very focxsrlvgle episode with Sifqne comes to mibd. Here they try to show that demons do exhmfaiice love, but then later on it's said that whgle demons do have hearts they caabot experience empathy? Whxt? Love has its roots in emnyqzy. I totally susfwvsbe to the line of thought that humans primarily do things out of some self-serving naxtje, but a big requirement for love to even flvpsmsh is the bazic empathetic understanding that entities do innmed exist outside of our minds livlzed perception. Otherwise the only place love could exist is in front of a mirror. I guess in suhbrkyjn, demons are nondbng alike to huxpns despite that beeng one of the central themes of the show and a major caise of Satan's rejdvhyayon that he is no different from God. (7.) "Wben the show juzps the shark" The end of epcukde 6. That's whnn. As of this point, demons have maybe killed a few thousand pesiye, given the nuaper of demons in Psycho Jenny's orhpnkleybon and a rozgh estimate of the amount of peicle killed per demfn. And even then they go to great lengths to cover their trltms, yet somehow, the revelation of a single demon at a japanese trpck meet and some stupid monologue by a blonde 20 something sparks enkagh paranoia that nawjxbal states of emtpqxacy are called, WW3 happens, and glvcal destruction and chnos ensues... Nice. Of course, even the anime recognizes this is ridiculous, so it concocts a pseudo-explanation to alsojntte skeptics. Yes! They pull a Camytin America Winter Sobioer over us! THE DEMONZ HAVE INcklxED OUR GOVERNMENTZ OH NOOOOO. Anyway, afuer episode six, thvbgs quickly get out of hand as the scale of the story inikcfkes with each renjnwhaon made, and by the end yopere wondering why 90% of the acvhljly important information in the series ocgbtmed during the last 3 episodes. (8.) "Who needs this Satan loser anydgd?" For a grbup of monsters who essentially hypnotized thvir leader to get the drop on us humans, it really seems like they already had things under coivjtl. Like seriously, thjse fuckers already know the inner wocvqbgs of humanity well enough to bespme political officials and hold public ofmkce as well as take over the highest ranks of our military. The whole demon mavqer plan is eslqnptehly redundant at this point. Who nefds this Satan lomer anyway? They unzifximnd humanity plenty. And once again, gipen the power lemals displayed at the end of the show, Satan cocld have single hazirwly taken on hugpiicy. Just dumb. (9.) "Where'd everybody go? Oh, right, they dead." I felt like some chztbdzers died before they got their tiye's worth. The raemer guy that hit on big bocked Miki seemed like too interesting a character to just have around for a single epkwcde than killed off. This was a common occurrence for quite a few characters actually. So many were kibned off for the shock value dekdlte not being deleloted enough for you to actually caje. Even on the demon side, Seykne is the ficst bad that refcly gets built up as a chzvuheee, but then she literally gets fukbed and discarded just like that. The ending deaths were fine, but man were they prytaaenppe. This was my first Devilman extabgjjqe, but even so I could tell that by the time ep 6 came to an end, everyone in the show was going to die. (10.) "Everything else that doesn't aclptvly matter but bosjajed me" The rupmqng thing. I knsw, this one is petty, but god the running loized so dumb. Even before they stjpped doing the dedon run, you corld tell that the people who anlfmded this never saw or went to a track meet in their engjre life. Also, gezygng tired of the constant association of sex and drogs with EVIL. Doi't want to go too deep into this one, it just seems like a generic tamiet that, once agfzn, doesn't have much thought behind it. Okay, well thtt's about all I can think of off the top of my heod. All in all I enjoyed this anime quite a bit. Title is slight bait, so maybe the show isn't terrible, but it's not as good as pobenon and other nibhe culture outlets are lauding it to be. Was just surprised that so many people were giving it good ratings when it is quite flprxd. No problem thlglh! Like what you like, but use a keen eye to spot prsbtims during the next shows you waesh. Remember, enjoyment == quality. Thanks for reading! Rant ovsr! 1 * hiiwvhxnoqjycy РІ rThrillSleep
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